Probacto Probiotic Review & Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, for those who aren’t familiar with the condition (otherwise known as IBS), can be rather uncomfortable and downright disturbing to those who are suffering from it. While a lot of people with occasional gas or bloating, or even diarrhea, may joke about having IBS, the condition itself is – I assure you – no joke. It leaves those of us who are suffering fearing our next attack – that attack of pain, gas, and intestinal discomfort that will leave you wiggling in pain. In my case, a change in diet and the introduction of a good probiotic, Probacto, made all the difference in the world.

What is IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome isn’t, by definition, a very serious digestive disorder. It won’t cause damage to your intestines and it doesn’t necessarily increase your risk of developing cancer – but it will make you into an uncomfortable, unpleasant, and stressed out individual. And to make matters worse, constant stress and worry about a potential IBS attack will actually make your IBS worse. Some people have very mild symptoms while others simply can’t function.

No matter how serious or severe your symptoms, which can include abdominal cramping, gas, diarrhea, constipation (or both), and even stool with mucous – you really need to see a doctor. Your doctor will want to run some tests to make sure you don’t have a more serious digestive disorder like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. While these and other disorders are considered to fall into the inflammatory bowel disease category, they’re definitely a lot more serious and pose the risk for long-term damage.

Once you know you’re really suffering from IBS, you need to seek treatment. For most people, monitoring the daily diet is critical, as some foods cause more severe flare-ups than others. While I personally can eat tons of fruits and veggies, I can’t touch soda or alcohol and I really miss eating chocolate!

Lifestyle changes to reduce stress are also critical. Stress won’t actually cause your symptoms, but it will definitely make them worse. Imagine getting ready to go to a major work meeting while an IBS flare-up is brewing, worrying about the IBS, and feeling the symptoms get worse. It’s not a pleasant experience.

Finally, you may want to consider talking to your doctor about some form of probiotic therapy, which is exactly what led me to Probacto to begin with.

The Role of Probiotics in the Treatment of IBS

Within your gut, or your intestines, live a wide variety of organisms, including good bacterial flora. The good bacteria help to keep the bad stuff in balance. According to the National Institute of Health, the true relationship between probiotics and IBS is not very well understood, but studies have shown the beneficial flora plays a huge role in the treatment of the condition.

Why? Because when the levels of good bacteria in your body decrease, the levels of bad bacteria or yeast can rise. This means there is some sort of disturbance in your intestines and, however slight, that change may cause you some sort of symptom. Some people, especially those with healthy immune systems, may not have any complications, but others may have symptoms after even the slightest change.

In my specific case, my GI doctor recommended I take a very high-quality probiotic. He told me to do some research and compare notes, but at the end of the day I landed on Probacto.


Probacto has a number of benefits and features I wasn’t finding with the other probiotics I researched (and some of which I tried). What makes Probacto stand out is the relationship between probiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes. Most probiotics list a CFU level, claiming to have billions of L. acidophilus bacteria, and that’s that.

Probacto is different because it has a blend of 5 different probiotics, including L. acidophilus and others. The critical difference, though, is that this particular blend contains what they call a “spore germinating probiotic blend.” In other words, I wasn’t just ingesting freeze-dried bacteria. Because the spores are dormant, they can safely make it through heat and cold (production, storage, and transportation) and then through your acidic body environment. This gives them a much higher chance of actually making it to your intestinal walls, where they can then germinate and grow. The fiber contained within the supplement acts as a prebiotic, which serves to feed the probiotic, giving it an even higher chance of survival.

The digestive cleanse is also important. There is a pretty clear relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and Candida yeast overgrowths. While not everyone who has IBS will end up with a severe Candida infection, the decreased levels of good bacteria in the body do allow Candida to thrive, increasing your likelihood of complications. Probacto contains a blend of ingredients known as protease, cellulose, hemicellulose, glucoamylase, amylase, and serrapeptase. In other words, they help to cleanse excess Candida out of your intestines – and with very little cleansing “side effect” (as if you need any more of that with IBS).

The proof is in the pudding. I did try several different probiotics, including a food-grade powder a nutritionist once gave me. I found the best, most consistent results came from my use of Probacto. My symptoms, while they still come and go, are very mild. I have increased energy levels and my reduction in symptoms has also enabled me to stop stressing so much when I do start to feel ill. That, combined with some lifestyle changes to reduce overall stress, has made a huge difference as well.

That’s my Probacto review. Take it or leave it, but I urge you to seriously consider a good probiotic like Probacto if you’re suffering from any type of digestive disorder. Talk to your doctor to get a better understanding of how bacteria live in your body. You’ll be amazed at how important good bacterial flora really is to your overall health and well-being!

Here is some more info about probacto

I hope this helps you in buying probacto.